Hacking on Kinto.js

Hacking on Kinto.js requires a working NodeJS v0.12x environment.


Source code is hosted on Github.

$ git clone https://github.com/Kinto/kinto.js
$ cd kinto.js
$ npm install


Tagged versions are also available from npm, though cloning the repository is the prefered way for contributing code.


In order to run the tests, you'll need:

  1. to have Python available on your system;
  2. to install Kinto locally;
  3. to export the location of the installed pserve accordingly.

The simplest way to install Kinto is to do so in a virtual environment and activate it:

$ virtualenv venv
$ ./venv/bin/pip install kinto
$ source ./venv/bin/activate

Then you can run the tests by running:

$ npm test

You can alternatively run the tests in a more explicit fashion by passing the KINTO_PSERVE_EXECUTABLE environment variable, which can be found in the virtual environment's bin directory:

$ KINTO_PSERVE_EXECUTABLE="`pwd`/venv/bin/pserve" npm run test

Alternative test commands are also available:

$ npm run test-nocover    # runs tests skipping code coverage
$ npm run test-cover      # runs tests, code coverage; doesn't send results
$ npm run test-cover-html # runs tests, code coverage and opens a fancy html report


Code coverage reports are also browseable on Coveralls.

TDD mode

This command will watch when source files change and rerun the tests each time they do:

$ npm run tdd

Note that it won't perform code coverage analysis.

You can also run a subset of tests that way:

$ npm run tdd -- -g Api # only runs Api-related tests

Of course, as for npm test, you can explictly pass the pass to the Kinto server pserve executable to use to execute integration tests:

$ KINTO_PSERVE_EXECUTABLE="/path/to/venv/bin/pserve" npm run tdd

Generating dist files

$ npm run dist

This should have created the following assets, with the current version in the filename (for instance, 2.0.1):

  • dist/kinto-2.0.1.js: Development version, unminified, embedding source maps;
  • dist/kinto-2.0.1.min.js: Production version, minified, no source maps;
  • dist/kinto-2.0.1.noshim.js: Production version, minified, no polyfills;
  • dist/moz-kinto-offline-client.js: Firefox internal component bundle (for Mozilla specific use).

Once a new version is packaged and published to npm, the npmcdn makes ready-to-use kinto.js assets available from the following urls:

Updating docs

Docs are written in Markdown using mkdocs, and are hosted on readthedocs.

Document sources are versionned in the Kinto.js repository, under the docs/ directory. Updates are automatically deployed when pushed to origin/master. That means the docs site is automatically updated everytime a PR lands.

To build docs locally, ensure mkdocs is properly installed, then run:

$ mkdocs build --clean

To serve them over http locally so you can see your modifications in real time:

$ mkdocs serve

Generating browsable API docs

API docs are available online.

To generate them locally:

$ esdoc -c esdoc.json && open esdoc/index.html

Publication is done manually by submitting new versions to doc.esdoc.org.

Publishing to npm

$ npm run publish-package

Running a local demo server

Run this command:

$ npm run demo

Then point your browser at http://localhost:8080/

Publishing the demo

The demo is hosted on Gihub pages; to publish the current demo version:

$ npm run publish-demo