How to package and release Kinto.js

In order to prepare and publish a new release, the following steps are required.

Start a release branch

$ git co -b prepare-1.1.0

Update the changelog

We use github-changelog-generator:

$ github_changelog_generator

In the generated, replace HEAD by vX.Y.Z in full changelog and link to the upcoming tag instead of unreleased.

Updating package.json

  • Bump the version;
  • Update the list of contributors if needed (git shortlog -sne gives a list of project contributors from the commit history);
  • Open a pull-request with the changes;
  • Wait for the tests to pass on TravisCI before merging.

Merge the release branch, and push the tag

$ git checkout master
$ git rebase prepare-X.Y.Z
$ git tag vX.Y.Z
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin vX.Y.Z

Publish on NPM

$ npm run build
$ npm run dist

Ensure NPM package content is ready and valid. The dist/ folder should contain browersified assets and lib/ the babelized ES5 files.

$ npm login
$ npm publish


  • npmcdn should serve the new version of the assets at;
  • npm install kinto should pull the new version, and require("kinto") should work as expected.

Edit and publish the release on Github

Update Github release page for this new tag (watchers will be notified).

Update demo

On the master branch, update the CDN URL used in demo/index.html, where X.X.X is the version you've just released:

  <script src="//"></script>

Update and publish the gh-pages branch containing the demo with:

$ npm run publish-demo

Check that the demo has been published and works as expected.

Update docs

Update CDN URL in docs/ and docs/

Publish updated esdoc

Submit new version of the js api docs at, providing the git repo URL:

Check that the new tag is active on readthedocs

Ensure the new version of the docs is available, eg.


Tweet or blog about it!