Extending Kinto.js

Custom database adapters

By default, Kinto.js performs all local persistence operations using IndexedDB; though if you want to create and use you own, that's definitely possible if you conform to the expected interface.

Simply create a class extending Kinto.adapters.BaseAdapter, which acts as an abstract class:

class MyAdapter extends Kinto.adapters.BaseAdapter {
  constructor(dbname) {
    this.dbname = dbname;

  open() {
    // open a database connection
    return super.open();

  close() {
    // close a database connection
    return super.close();

  execute(callback, options={preload: []}) {
    // performs a transaction

  get(id) {
    // retrieve a single record by its id

  list() {
    retrieve the list of records

Note that #open() and #close() are implemented and are simply resolving by default.

Then create the Kinto object passing a reference to your adapter class:

const kinto = new Kinto({adapter: MyAdapter});

Read the BaseAdapter class source code to figure out what needs to be implemented exactly. The IDB adapter is also worth a read if you need guidance writing your own.

Supporting transactions

A Kinto.js db adapter must implement an execute() method to support transactions. It should accept a callback, and a preload options:

The callback argument

The callback will be passed an object which must implement the following synchronous CRUD operation methods:

  • create(record)
  • update(record)
  • delete(id)
  • get(id)

These are transaction operation descriptors and must work synchronously.

The preload option

Because of limitations in IndexedDB implementations, there can't be any asynchronous calls within an opened transaction, or it will be silentely auto-commited. To circumvent this limitation, the preload option accepts a list of preloaded records so the get() method can work synchronously. All adapters need to conform to this rule as well.

By default, the list of preloaded records is empty.


The typical target usage flow is a follow:

  .then(preload => {
    return db.execute(transaction => {
      const existing = transaction.get(1);
      if (!existing) {
        throw new Error("Missing record #1");
      transaction.update(Object.assign({}, existing, {foo: "bar"}));
    }, {preload});


Hooks can be called to extend the behaviour of Kinto. So far it is only possible to hook when incoming changes are to be applied.

  • incoming-changes hooks are called just after new changes are retrieved, and before these changes are reflected locally.

To install a hook, you need to pass it to the collection:

function doSomething(payload, collection) {
  // Do something with the payload here.
  const {lastModified, changes} = payload;
  const ids = changes.map((record) => record.id);

let collection = db.collection(collectionName, {
  "hooks": {
    "incoming-changes": doSomething